Sunday, November 6, 2016

The History Behind the Idea

      A few years ago, I was thinking about the holiday season. I was thinking about how rushed everyone is. I was thinking about how we tend to go through the checkout line with a brief "hello" and a "have a good day". Well, a few years ago I attended a church service in Florida about giving and joy. And at the end of service, they handed out cards that simply said, "You're job isn't easy, Christmas may even make it worse. I want to let you know, I appreciate you." Once I left that church and came back to Michigan, I attached a candy cane to each card and handed them out for the next two weeks. Let me tell you, I saw a change in the way that I approached the check-out at a store. I approached it with an excitement to show someone that I really cared. Now let's forget about how it made me feel because giving is about the recipient, I saw person after person shocked, astounded that someone would care. I don't know how much it impacted their life, but I hope that they felt loved.

     I hope that you choose to appreciate others in a tangible way this season. Whether you use these cards or write your own notes, choose to give this season. My hope is that you will feel the exhilaration of being kind to others. I hope that as a collective community we can touch lives, if only for a moment, this holiday season.

     For more information on "Project: Appreciation" and to request your cards, visit out Facebook Page here.

Happy Holiday Giving!!

Thursday, March 3, 2016


Kind: adj. having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature

Mindful: adj. conscious or aware of something

     Sometimes I catch myself thinking about why more people aren't kind (mostly when watching the news). It's so much fun! Especially completing acts of kindness. Why don't people take a minute to find a way to be kind within their daily routine? It doesn't have to be some big project. It doesn't have to be some global movement. I think that all it takes is a bit of kindfulness.

     The practice of mindfulness has become widely popular as of late. Be mindful... Color a picture! Be mindful... Take a yoga class! Be mindful... Read poetry! In no way, shape, or form am I against mindfulness. Do it! Be good to yourself! However, I am suggesting we steal the idea of being mindful and apply it towards doing acts of kindness. Kindfulness! Think about being kind. Make a point to find things to do that are kind.

     I think the first part of incorporating kindfulness into your life is noticing. Which means being present where your feet are (aka put down the technology if possible). Take time to look up at the people who are in line at the store or restaurant near you. Compliment the older lady on her earnings that perfectly match her ensemble. Leave a dollar at the vending machine so that someone gets to enjoy a surprise drink. Look for opportunities to be kind.

      I think the second part of incorporating kindfulness into your life is being willing. This means you might have to talk to a stranger (which is generally pretty scary for me). This means you might have to use that extra dollar you have for an act of kindness and not another doughnut. This means you might need to sacrifice a little... but trust me, you will gain so much!

     I know that I don't have this down,  which is why I am asking you to join me in starting a movement of kindfulness. Let's do this together! Tell me in the comments how you are going to start practicing kindfulness in your life :) 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Why I Love Valentine's Day (even though I'm single)

3 billion search results on Google come up for one word: love. 253 million YouTube videos come up for one word: love. 895 million Instagram posts for one word: love. 551 mentions in the Bible (NIV) of one word: love. It’s kind of a big deal. And we have a whole day devoted to it (even if it has become a ‘Hallmark Holiday’)!

     Generally in society, we choose to celebrate romantic love on February 14- but why not celebrate love in general? Often I hear people say things like, “If only we could remember to be positive” or “If only we could just show each other love and acceptance.” February 14th is set aside for those things!

I think that it is a pretty good day to appreciate the love that has been shown toward you. Maybe you have that friend that you always bail on but she never seems to mind and is always willing to reschedule- show her love on Valentine’s Day! Maybe you have a coworker who always seems to be there right when you need a third hand- show them love on Valentine’s Day! Maybe you have someone in your life who randomly shows up with coffee, doughnuts, and a listening ear- show that person love on Valentine’s Day!

We have a whole day set aside to celebrate people and the cool things that love represents. Maybe you’ll choose to celebrate Valentine’s Day by participating in the More Love Letters Mission (see here). Maybe you’ll choose to celebrate Valentine’s Day by doing some volunteer work. Maybe you just won’t choose to celebrate on the 14th at all- and that’s okay- just remember to love yourself that day!

Now, I’m not hating on those of you who choose to celebrate “Singles Awareness Day” on February 14. I’ve been there with the loads of junk food and movies that have nothing to do with love. But in your “Singles Awareness Day” festivities- remember to love yourself! You’re the best you in the world!

Some of you have a significant other to celebrate with on Valentine’s Day- woohoo! Celebrate together! Celebrate the things that have brought you together, the experiences you’ve had, and appreciate every facet of the other person.

Lastly, people show love in lots of different ways. The way that you show love is usually described as your “love language” (take the free online quiz here). Find a way that fits in with what you feel comfortable with- and do it! Love is action!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Let Yourself Rest


   Rest. A word that we don't hear very often in our society. It seems that instead of praising each other for taking care of ourselves- we praise each other for the busyness in our lives. Why is that? I'm about to preach the opposite of our culture. Take a moment to breathe. Take a rest. Read a book. Chat with a friend. Binge on some Netflix. Take a nap. 

     I can guess what you're thinking, "Sure, Katie. That sounds nice. But I just don't have time." Which is why I challenge you to make time. Whether that is a weekly chunk of time (for example every Sunday at 3:00-5:00pm) or a rotating time daily (for example 6:00-6:30pm while I eat my dinner)- make the time. And if that doesn't work, maybe look at some of the things in your life. Can anything go? Can anything be moved to another time?

     "But Katie- I feel guilty when I don't do anything!" That's society influencing your thinking. But if you still can't get over it... find someone to do nothing with! One of my friends and I have found that if we hang out together and do nothing but watch some TV, read a book, or eat some food- we don't feel guilty. And we were able to get some rest while getting to bond with a friend. 

     "That'll make me lazy!" I agree, if you overdo it with the rest, you may be edging toward lazy. However, I want to point out that different times in your life will require different amounts of rest. What do you have going on in life? Is it taking an emotional toll on you? Have you said "yes" to a lot lately? Have things gotten crazy at work? Did your kids sports start up? Different times require a different amount of rest. 

     Still really struggling with the idea of rest? Then choose to have a kindness time. Or a connecting time. A time when you work to build someone up, because chances are that time is going to leave you with a sense of refreshment. 

     Will you give yourself permission to rest with me this week?