Sunday, November 9, 2014

The History Behind "Project: Appreciation"

     A few months ago, I was thinking about the holiday season. I was thinking about how rushed everyone is. I was thinking about how we tend to go through the checkout line with a brief "hello" and a "have a good day". Well, last year I attended a church service in Florida about giving and joy. And at the end of service,  they handed out cards that simply said, "You're job isn't easy, Christmas may even make it worse. I want to let you know, I appreciate you." Once I left that church and came back to Michigan, I attached a candy cane to each card and handed them out for the next two weeks. Let me tell you, I saw a change in the way that I approached the check-out at a store. I approached it with an excitement to show someone that I really cared. Now let's forget about how it made me feel because giving is about the recipient, I saw person after person shocked, astounded that someone would care. I don't know how much it impacted their life, but I hope that they felt loved.

     I hope that you choose to appreciate others in a tangible way this season. Whether you use these cards or write your own notes, choose to give this season. My hope is that you will feel the exhilaration of being kind to others. I hope that as a collective community we can touch lives, if only for a moment, this holiday season.

     For more information on "Project: Appreciation", see my original blog post here

Happy Holiday Giving!!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Project: Appreciation

     It was September of this year and I was already thinking about Christmas (it's a sickness... I know). I was thinking about how I was going to make my Christmas different than past ones. I wanted to make it a worthwhile time where I could show God's love to others. So I started praying. I had read the book "I Like Giving" by Brad Formsa and this is the project that formed from those two things.

Here's how it works:
1. You take (or request) as many cards as you would like to give out.

2. Optional: Attach something to the back of the card. I attached candy canes, some folks attached gift cards or small trinkets or ornaments.

3. Pass them out! Once it hits black Friday time (or even a bit before) start to spread the love! When you are in the checkout, when you see your mail carrier, when you see anyone and everyone who's job might be made a little more tough around Christmas give them a card! (I would generally exchange the cashier when he/she handed me my receipt)

4. Walk away quickly and feel the joy of giving and thinking about someone else this holiday season :)

     I know that not everyone feels comfortable giving a gift to a stranger- but I encourage you to do it anyway. Giving isn't about your comfort, it's about changing the world through love and living generously.

     Some companies have policies that don't allow their employees to accept gifts. I handed out over 25 cards last year (some at big box stores) and never ran into this issue. However, the goal of this project isn't to get anyone in trouble so I urge you to read the card to the intended recipient, wish them a Merry Christmas, and be on your way.

     But Katie, we should appreciate everyone at all times! I agree! But the thing is, sometimes we remember to appreciate others when it is more convenient for us. It's a human thing. The holidays are a rushed time, it's just their nature, so this will "force" you to remember the people around you. Plus, the holidays are hard for a lot of people who have lost loved ones or have obligations that they have to fulfill, so often times people need someone to care. Go ahead, create your own cards for the rest of the year- making generous living your lifestyle!

How do I get cards?
                I ordered 1000 cards trusting that God would show me the people who are willing to go out and spread His love through appreciation. So basically, ask for them! If you are a friend, text or tweet or Facebook message me and I can deliver some cards or mail them to you in an envelope!  If you are reading this blog, comment below!

     I hope that you consider doing this project with me as I scatter the state of Michigan with appreciation for others. Maybe you need to do it to keep your heart in the right place during the busy season. Maybe you want to do it as part of a Random Acts of Kindness pledge that you have made. Maybe you want to do it in honor of someone that you have lost this year. Maybe you want to do it, just to do it! I hope that you'll find that your heart is in a giving place, not a place of pity for others or self-righteousness. Don't hand them out to put on a show, hand them out to change the world and choose to live generously this holiday season.

Original project design by Mosaic Church near Orlando, Florida.
#livegenerously inspired by "I Like Giving"

Friday, October 3, 2014

Here Comes the Sun!

     I drove towards a metaphor the other day. Yep, it's true. I was driving to work after a 2-Hour delay (about 7:00am), and the sun was just beginning to rise. It was a glowing magnificent gold. It was one of those days where you truly could look at the sun and appreciate it. I was watching it with my KLOVE blaring and just thinking about how magical the moment was. 

     But then, it was gone. Hidden behind the tree line. Hidden by buildings and farms. Then, minutes later it was back as bright as ever. What a metaphor... 

     You all probably know where I am going with this, but I got to thinking about life. (I know, I know, I think a lot for 7:00 in the morning.) Some seasons you have the sun to light your way and to show you its radiance. But the inverse of that is also true. Some seasons you question where you are going. You know that the sun exists but it isn't quite showing you where to go. You do your best to go down the road in the right direction. 

      In life, we don't have a weather report to tell us when the sun is going to rise and set. You just have others, love, and faith.  So use those three things as a compass, even if you can't quite see where you are going.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Growing Pains

This conversation happened in my classroom the other day:

Me: Are you okay? You look a little out of it today?

Student: Yeah... I'm okay. I just didn't sleep a lot.

Me: Why didn't you sleep a lot? Was there a good TV show on?

Student: No... my legs hurt a lot. Mom says I have growing pains.

Me: Oh, I see. Well, I just wanted to check on you.

     Yep. He had growing pains. Not the old TV show, but rather that "uncomfortable- gonna make me better but it hurts right now" pain. So naturally... my metaphor-finding brain saw this as a life lesson. Children have growing pains because their bodies are getting taller and stronger. Their bodies are telling them that something is changing. They are being stretched. Shouldn't we do this in our adult lives too?

     Growing pains. A necessary evil in any situation. Whether that is your career, your spiritual life, or your social life, growth is something that needs to happen in order to not have a stagnant or repetitive life. My pastor said at church today that it is very important to avoid that "going through the motions" phase of life. I agree with him completely. 

     But that too, got my brain thinking. If I don't want to just "go through the motions" but I have the same things to do every day (work, bunny care, cooking), how can I grow? I've been perusing other blogs and reading books and here are some of the things that I am going to try to do in order to avoid a life of "going through the motions."

          1.   Serve Others: This can mean a lot of things to a lot of different people. To you it might mean inviting someone over to hang out or have dessert. It might mean sending a letter, note, or package to a friend or acquaintance who might be having a hard week. Maybe for you it means taking time to pray for someone who needs it. Maybe it's a froyo date on a calm night of the week. Remember that serving doesn't always have to involve money. Get creative!

          2. Grow Spiritually: Spiritually means different things to different people. For me, this means joining a Bible study hosted by my church and meeting with women who want to learn to trust and believe in God with all of their hearts. We are doing the Beth Moore -"Believing God" study right now and it is amazing.

          3. Read books that challenge my existing ideas about the world: I recently read "I Like Giving" by Brad Formsa and the book challenged me to think about the giving that I do in my daily life. The book not only gives examples of ways to give (monetary and not), but it shows you the science behind giving. I picked up two other books recently with ideas that I have been struggling with lately. These will allow me to either change or confirm my ideas that I have and live out daily.

          4. Socialize: When you are in constant conversation with people who have your best interest in mind (friends or mentors usually), then through their life experiences, thoughts, and reflections, you will be able to grow. 

     I'm not saying that I am perfect in living a life full of growing pains, but I know that as long as I am trying to grow and feel the uncomfortable pain, I will be a taller and stronger person. (<---see what I did with that metaphor)

     I challenge you to go outside of your comfortable box and explore because you never know what you will find.

Sunday, September 7, 2014


            In my mind, there is nothing so freeing as to create. Whether that is creating a blog post or a new decoration or a homemade card to send to someone who has been feeling a little down. The simple (or not so simple) act of creating something is refreshing. I think this is why so many newly-on-their-own people find joy in cooking. They get to take things that weren't a part of something and make a dish that is satisfying and delicious (it could also be the years of meal plans... ehhmm... ritchie food...). I find myself clicking on the "DIY & Crafts" category on Pinterest more than any other category, just so that I can find inspiration for my next project. 

            Some folks say that school is what steals a child's ability to be creative and thus create. But I think that even more, the busyness that we put ourselves through is what steals our creativity. Sometimes, the routines that we are so set in, don't give us time to have the potential failure that creating comes with. Because we all know, that once you decide to create something (especially if you had Pinterest inspiration), the end result isn't always what it was supposed to be. That's because creating is all about the journey. The process.

            **Warning: here comes a metaphor.** Just like life. The journey is the important part. This is told to us teachers time and time again. It's the reason that we allow kids to fail in a supportive environment. It's because as long as they learn something along the way, they are not failing. The same concept was mentioned at church this morning. The journey is hard and long sometimes, but worth it because you will end up in a place that you never even imagined.

            Now that I ranted a little, let me bring it back. Create things. Create new meals. Create poetry. Create a craft that will bless someone else. Create a blog post. Create an art masterpiece. Create a new outfit combination from the clothes that you have. Create a get-together with your friends. Create a new fundraiser for a philanthropy close to your heart. Revamp an item that you already have around the house. Create a new tunnel system for your rabbit (maybe that's just me...). Create a Youtube video. Just create! You won't regret it.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Water Your Thought Life

      I read a book the other day (Growing Up Duggar) in which the authors mentioned the idea of a "thought life." That got me thinking... ironic I know. But in our world we focus so much on the idea of maintaining your social life and living a healthy life and even figuring out your spiritual life. How many times do you actually have someone ask you, "How is your thought life going?"
     Our society focuses on "finding yourself." They focus on knowing who you are and knowing what you want in life. But no one ever teaches us how to grow in our thought life. Why are we expected to grow in an area that isn't watered?
     So how do we water our thought life? I don't promise to have the answers but I think that it comes from a lot of different things. I decided to see what other people had put out in the world about the idea of a "thought life," so what do I do? Pinterest it. Here's a short list of some things that seemed to be reoccurring themes amongst my findings:
                1. Banish the Negative Thoughts: As soon as you find yourself falling in to a cycle of negative thoughts, whether those are about yourself or others or life in general, take those thoughts captive. Replace them with thoughts of...
                2. Hope: It's not the end. And when it seems like it is, take the opportunity to make it a new beginning! When you think that you have nothing more to give, keep trying! Don't give up!
                3. Keep Moving: Don't dwell. As soon as you dwell, or stop to count the exclamation marks, you end up driving yourself crazy. Never stay in one mental spot too long.
                4. Your thoughts influence your Actions: "What you think, you are" was a quote that came up a lot in my search. I think that this holds a lot of truth to it. In that case, isn't working on and thinking about your thought life worth it?
                5. You have a choice: "Choose Happy" was another saying that came up time and time again. This implies that you have the ultimate power over different areas of your life. You get to choose your attitude, reaction, and response.
     Some things that I would suggest doing in order to make sure that you are watering your thought life are:
                1. Journal-Record- Write in your diary: Whatever you want to call it. My friend Hilary makes a good case for journaling on her blog here.
                2. Accountability: Find someone who will ask you how your thought life is doing. Encourage them to share their thought life with you, too!
                3. Pray: I choose to pray. You may meditate, think, dance or whatever you do that leads you to that place where you are examining your life and how things are going. This time will foster a strong thought life.
     If you have all the power when it comes to your "thought life" why not choose to use that power? Take control of the power. Decide what you want the power to be used for. Water your thought life. Help it grow!
     I'll leave you with a quote, "You've always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself." -Glinda