Sunday, September 20, 2015

A Very Merry Unbirthday


      For this blog post, I am going to take my cue from "Alice in Wonderland" and wish every one of you a Very Merry Unbirthday! Now, say what you will about the origins of this movie and its writer... but... I am very fond of the idea of an unbirthday. Why? Because frankly, I love celebrating! So why not celebrate each other on the other 364 days of the year, too?

     Each day, I think that we can find something to celebrate. Whether that is a promotion at work,  a connection that you made with another human, or simply the fact that the coffee maker worked that morning- celebrate! If you find the time to look for something to celebrate, you will be choosing to look for the good in the world. You will be choosing to support the people around you. You will be choosing to look at the glass half-full

     I think that most of us will be surprised at how easy it is to find something to celebrate. But so often we, myself included, choose to look at the things that aren't worth celebrating. The things that don't bring out the best in the world. The things that don't glorify God.

     Now, I'm not naive enough to think that there aren't bad things that happen in our worlds. There are. But I wholeheartedly believe that we can choose to fight each bad thing with a celebration.

     So celebrate! I challenge you to find things to celebrate this week! And if you feel so inclined, post them on social media so that others remember to take a moment to celebrate. Not to sound like Hallmark... but... life is worth celebrating!

Enjoy the Very Merry Unbirthday song here!

Another catchy tune here!