Here's how it works:
1. You take (or request) as many cards as you would like to
give out.
Optional: Attach something to the back of the card. I attached candy canes,
some folks attached gift cards or small trinkets or ornaments.
3. Pass them out! Once it hits black Friday time (or even a
bit before) start to spread the love! When you are in the checkout, when you
see your mail carrier, when you see anyone and everyone who's job might be made
a little more tough around Christmas give them a card! (I would generally
exchange the cashier when he/she handed me my receipt)
4. Walk away quickly and feel the joy of giving and thinking
about someone else this holiday season :)
I know that not
everyone feels comfortable giving a gift to a stranger- but I encourage you to
do it anyway. Giving isn't about your comfort, it's about changing the world
through love and living generously.
Some companies
have policies that don't allow their employees to accept gifts. I handed out
over 25 cards last year (some at big box stores) and never ran into this issue.
However, the goal of this project isn't to get anyone in trouble so I urge you
to read the card to the intended recipient, wish them a Merry Christmas, and be
on your way.
But Katie, we
should appreciate everyone at all times! I agree! But the thing is, sometimes
we remember to appreciate others when it is more convenient for us. It's a
human thing. The holidays are a rushed time, it's just their nature, so this
will "force" you to remember the people around you. Plus, the
holidays are hard for a lot of people who have lost loved ones or have
obligations that they have to fulfill, so often times people need someone to
care. Go ahead, create your own cards for the rest of the year- making generous
living your lifestyle!
How do I get cards?
ordered 1000 cards trusting that God would show me the people who are willing
to go out and spread His love through appreciation. So basically, ask for them!
If you are a friend, text or tweet or Facebook message me and I can deliver
some cards or mail them to you in an envelope! If you are reading this blog, comment below!
I hope that you consider doing this project with me as I scatter the state of Michigan with appreciation for others. Maybe you need to do it to keep your heart in the right place during the busy season. Maybe you want to do it as part of a Random Acts of Kindness pledge that you have made. Maybe you want to do it in honor of someone that you have lost this year. Maybe you want to do it, just to do it! I hope that you'll find that your heart is in a giving place, not a place of pity for others or self-righteousness. Don't hand them out to put on a show, hand them out to change the world and choose to live generously this holiday season.
Original project design
by Mosaic Church near Orlando, Florida.
inspired by "I Like Giving"
Outstanding! <3