What if you picked up a pen and paper, and wrote exactly what you wanted someone to say
to you? What if you allowed yourself to entertain the thoughts that you wanted
to hear? Maybe it is for someone to say, "It's ok to be you."
Maybe it is someone to tell you that not knowing is ok. Maybe
you simply need to hear that you are loved.
That's part of the mission of moreloveletters.com. Now, I
don't want this to turn into an advertisement or a commercial for their site,
but rather an explanation of a concept that I think is amazing (I just want to
give them the credit for the concept).
I am a words kind of person. When I need to say something,
it is best if I write it. So that's
what I do! I write letters. I simply write to a random stranger what I needed
to hear that day. And let me tell you, it is its own kind of therapy. Something about seeing the magical words written in black and white. Reading them (though
I cognitively know I have written them) helps me to not feel so alone.
So, grab your fancy stationary (or a note-card or lined
paper works too) and write a love letter! When you have composed your letter,
simply leave it somewhere with a note on the outside that says "To
whomever finds this"! And spread some love in this crazy
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