Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Change Monster

     "Ahhh! It's coming!" It slowly approaches you... your heart beats faster... your palms are sweaty... you haven't taken a full breath in minutes... Beware! The change is coming!!

     Yes, I am talking about that scary word: change. The word that in theory really only means "to alter." Whether that means alter your life, appearance, or daily flow of things... it is scary. And you know what? I really don't know how we make the actual change less scary. I don't have a crystal ball that will let me know whether the change will be good or bad. However, I heard a speaker at a presentation say something that made a lot of sense. He said, "People are not afraid of the change, but rather they are afraid of not being prepared for the change."

     Afraid of not being prepared? Yep. That sounds just like me. And if you admit it to yourself, it probably sounds a little like you too. From the time we are born, we are taught to be prepared for things. Whether that is being prepared for a car ride when you are little by taking toys, being prepared to go to middle school by attending the orientation, preparing for your high school graduation by choosing a college your senior year, or saving money so that you are prepared to move out on your own.

     So why not prepare for a change? I could go into many examples of ways to prepare such as visualization, research, and list making... but I won't because there are way too many changes in our lives that I would never be able to even begin to cover strategies. But rather, I hope that you will think about this idea next time you begin to completely freak out over a 
change that you may be facing.

     Preparation is the best way to embrace change.

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