Rest. A word that we don't hear very often in our society.
It seems that instead of praising each other for taking care of ourselves- we
praise each other for the busyness in our lives. Why is that? I'm about to
preach the opposite of our culture. Take a moment to breathe. Take a rest. Read
a book. Chat with a friend. Binge on some Netflix. Take a nap.
I can guess what you're thinking, "Sure, Katie. That sounds nice. But I just don't have time."
Which is why I challenge you to make time. Whether that is a weekly chunk of
time (for example every Sunday at 3:00-5:00pm) or a rotating time daily (for
example 6:00-6:30pm while I eat my dinner)- make the time. And if that doesn't
work, maybe look at some of the things in your life. Can anything go? Can
anything be moved to another time?
"But Katie- I
feel guilty when I don't do anything!" That's society influencing your
thinking. But if you still can't get over it... find someone to do nothing
with! One of my friends and I have found that if we hang out together and do
nothing but watch some TV, read a book, or eat some food- we don't feel guilty.
And we were able to get some rest while getting to bond with a friend.
"That'll make me
lazy!" I agree, if you overdo it with the rest, you may be edging
toward lazy. However, I want to point out that different times in your life
will require different amounts of rest. What do you have going on in life? Is
it taking an emotional toll on you? Have you said "yes" to a lot
lately? Have things gotten crazy at work? Did your kids sports start up?
Different times require a different amount of rest.
Still really struggling with the idea of rest?
Then choose to have a kindness time. Or a connecting time. A time when you work
to build someone up, because chances are that time is going to leave you with a sense of refreshment.
Will you give yourself permission to rest with me this week?
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