Thursday, May 22, 2014

"But first, let me take a selfie."

Selfie /n./: an image of oneself taken by oneself using a digital camera especially for posting on social networks (credit:

We live in a society with an abundance of pictures. And if you know me, you know that most of the pictures in my friend circles come from me. I love pictures. I love taking pictures to enjoy the moment. I love having pictures to look back on when I am sad. I love looking at pictures that take you back to that very moment and allow you to instantly remember. Because of all of those things, I have become more and more interested in all of the talk about selfies.

I have heard and read so many articles that hate on selfies. They say things like, "You can manufacture what you look like in a selfie" or "That's not a true picture of you" or "People who take selfies are completely self-absorbed." Now, I am not completely denying that some of those statements are true in certain situations, but rarely do you hear the other side of the selfie debate... 

I think that people are becoming more and more proud of who they are. I remember a time where people would freak out over a bad picture that was posted of them on Facebook and instantly remove it. I don't think that is necessarily the case anymore. I think that with the popularity of selfies growing, we, as a culture, are becoming more aware of what we look like. Some might think that is a bad thing, but rather I think that because you can't go on any social media site without seeing a selfie, we are being made more aware of the differences in the physical look of all human beings. 

And so what if you can pose or angle your head just the right way? By going through the process of finding the "perfect selfie picture" of you, you are observing all facets of you and what makes you unique. When you post the selfie on whichever social media site you happen to be on, you are showing pride in your appearance.

I know what you are thinking, "Katie, have you ever been on snapchat? Those selfies are generally horrible!" Yes, we've all sent the laying in bed, face all scrunched up snapchat. We've sent the "Oh my goodness, I'm exhausted" snapchat. We've sent the "freaking out" snapchat. And let's be honest, we've probably all sent the worst possible picture that we could take, to our closest friend. I think that these selfies are even more important than the "perfect" ones that we post on Facebook and Twitter. We take comfort in the fact that the snap that we send is only on the screen for 4-secs (or thereabouts) but either way, we take the picture. We embrace all sides of us... even the not-so-aesthetically-pleasing sides.

Let's talk about the selfies that are posted as an update in a weight loss/health journey. I say, go for it! Use social media, one of the biggest influences in our culture, to find support. You used to have to go to a gym or meetings to find support, but now let your 1500 Facebook friends help you out!

Selfies that aren't really selfies because they have someone else in it... are just as important in our society. Because a selfie is less formal, people are able to have pictures with people whom might not want to be "in front of the camera." Preserve those memories. Have some fun. Laugh a little at who has the bigger double chin before you retake it! 

We live in a selfie society. So embrace it. Love yourself. And post selfies with pride!

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