Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Well Played, Elliptical...

     I joined a gym. For these past few days, I have been trying machine after machine. As I try different machines, while trying to not look like a fool, I have quite a bit of time to think. Today I got to thinking during my first elliptical experience. So here it is: Basically, the elliptical was tricking me. Let's be honest- you're basically running. It tricked me. It's tricking you.
      But then as I thought more, willing the time to move faster so that my 30 minute timer would go off, I realized that it is all about perception. Do I view that machine as a trick to get me to run? Or do I view the machine as a tool to help me live a fuller and healthier life? Oh man... my own mind got me. 

     But let's think about this in terms of life. Things are going to go. I don't want to necessarily say that they will go good or bad- I just want us to agree that they will go. And as things are going, you fall into a way of looking at life. You decide how you are going to perceive each and every situation. I would suggest- and know I try- to look at all sides of a situation and think of the way that you want to respond. That one step of thinking about how you are going to perceive something will do you a lot of good in becoming the person that you want to be. 

    Now stop. Don't read this and think, "Here's another post from positive and perky Katie who doesn't know what it is like to have a negative thought in her head because everything in her life is sunshine and sprinkles." I'll let you in on a secret- I lose my cool. I freak out and shut down. I have a bad attitude about things sometimes and worse yet, I let it affect others. 

     So I suggest that we work together to keep our perceptions in check. Be aware of how you are perceiving and interpreting the world. You never know, that's all it might take to change a rough day into a good one.