One of my favorite lines in the Alpha Sigma Alpha Creed is
"to joyously live each day to its ultimate good." I particularly love
the phrase "joyously live." In order to intentionally live more
joyously, I decided to create one of those ever so popular photo challenges.
should I do it? For the month of May (or however long it takes you to get
through all 30 days), you will choose to focus on the things in life that make
everything okay.
How do
I participate? Save the infograph on your phone/computer. Each day, post the
photo that you took with #jouyouslylive on whichever social media site that you
visit. If you don't do the whole "social media" scene, feel free to
save the photos on your computer.
When do
I start? Whenever you feel like it! I am going to do mine for the month of May.
What if
I fall behind? It's all good! Either catch up or do the 30 days on your own
schedule (aka... not one a day).
So what
do you say? Will you participate?