Saturday, December 26, 2015


     I was at a Christmas party/meeting/celebration the other night for Norwex where they talked all about setting goals. I was like, "This is perfect! It's about to be the new year and we all need to set goals!" But then they passed out the goal sheets, I sat there staring at it for the allotted time, and I realized something about myself... I'm not very good at setting goals. I always get stuck. I never know what my goals should be. As I was thinking about that more, it struck me that I always get stuck because I never want to set expectations. See, I think that the two go hand in hand. So I did a little research. To the dictionary!!

goal- noun: something that you are trying to do or achieve
expectation- noun: a belief that something will happen or is likely to happen

     Technically, they are separate. But the way that I see things, they go hand in hand. The belief behind the goal is what makes it happen. Usually, goals don't achieve themselves. They take work. And when you work towards something- you generally believe that you can reach the goal- or else why would you waste your time?

     Why don't I like expectations? I think it is because of fear. Those of you who have been reading my blog for a while know that fear is something that I deal with a lot in my life. So, what exactly am I afraid of once I set the goal? The disappointment. What if I don't reach it? What if other expect me to? What if I disappoint others? What if I disappoint myself? What if...?

     What if I stop letting fear win and I dream? That's the point I need to reach. I need to take a moment and realize that goals are personal and individual. No one set goal is going to work for everyone! I mean, a really general goal like "happiness" or "health" might work for most people. But I can guarantee that the journey to achieve that goal will look very different for each and every person. *Disclaimer: happiness and health are great goals- but try and make them more specific!*

     I'm working on it and I challenge you to as well. Don't just set new year's resolution goals. Set life goals. No matter how big or small- they will make a difference. You will find a new motivation behind some of your daily decisions. "Don't let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game."

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Parachute Games

     Gym class. An elementary student's favorite words. Gym Class. Katie, the substitute teacher's least favorite words. Gym isn't really "my thing." But I thought, it's a half day job- how bad can it be?!?!

     I walked into his office and nervously took at the lesson plans and for two classes I was leading parachute games. Jackpot! I was a camp counselor for years! I lead this for over 60 kids- on multiple occasions! I've got this.

     In walks the first class... Kindergarten. Kindergartners in gym = mass chaos and so. much. energy. They ate me alive. It was a hot mess! See, they had never done the parachute before (which I didn't know). So, not only was it a new fun toy, but there were no boundaries or expectations or safety rules set at all. My assumption of what they knew caused me a lot of "How many minutes left in class?" moments.  But finally... Whew... We all survived. No one got hurt or ended up in the office. Not  a success by any means, but not a complete and total failure.

     In walks the second class. Alright, I got this. New tactic. "Welcome first graders! Have you ever done the parachute before?" They had. But boy was I glad that I asked. I was able to find out which games they had played before. I taught a whistle signal, explained the safety issues (and consequences for not following the safety rules), and we began. It went a trillion times better than the first class. Maybe it was because they were older. Maybe it was because it was a different set of kids. Maybe it was because they had done the parachute before. But maybe, just maybe, it was because I remembered to communicate and find out what they already knew and didn't know. 

     See, when we assume about what the other person knows or doesn't know- there is a good chance that it is going to catch up to you later on. Sometimes, I think we forget to ask. We forget to try and understand where the other person is coming from. We forget that we don't always have the same experiences. In my case, it was that the kindergarten class didn't have the knowledge that I thought they had. But in some cases, I think it can go the opposite way. We assume that someone doesn't know- and therefore end up thinking (or doing) for them- when they are perfectly capable and may even be able to do it a better way. Instead of just asking. Taking that time and communicating. 

    Please learn from my failed Kindergarten Gym Class experience. Remember as you go along in your daily life, to think about the other person's knowledge base. Make a conscious effort to ask them about what they know and then go from there. You never know when you will be surprised!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Project: Appreciation--- Year 2!

Woohoo! It’s time for year two of “Project: Appreciation!” We handed out 673 cards last year. That’s at least 673 lives touched by God’s love! How cool! We passed out cards in 10 states and 2 countries. Thanks for making last year so successful! Let’s see if we can change even more lives this year!

What are the roots of “Project: Appreciation”? I’m glad you asked. The idea started last year when I was thinking about how I was going to make my Christmas different than past ones. I wanted to make it a worthwhile time where I could show God's love to others. So I started praying. I had read the book "I Like Giving" by Brad Formsa and this is the project that formed from those two things.

Here's how it works:
1. You take (or request) as many cards as you would like to give out. They are completely free! Just ask! There are 3 different designs this year (see above).

2. Optional: Attach something to the back of the card. I attached candy canes/candy, some folks attached gift cards or small trinkets or ornaments.

3. Pass them out! Once it hits black Friday time (or even a bit before) start to spread the love! When you are in the checkout, when you see your mail carrier, when you see anyone and everyone whose job might be made a little tougher around Christmas- give them a card! (I would generally exchange the cashier when he/she handed me my receipt)

4. Walk away quickly and feel the joy of giving and thinking about someone else this holiday season :)

     I know that not everyone feels comfortable giving a gift to a stranger- but I encourage you to do it anyway. Giving isn't about your comfort, it's about changing the world through love and living generously.

     Some companies have policies that don't allow their employees to accept gifts. I handed out over 25 cards last year (some at big box stores) and never ran into this issue. However, the goal of this project isn't to get anyone in trouble so I urge you to read the card to the intended recipient, wish them a Merry Christmas, and be on your way.

     But Katie, we should appreciate everyone at all times! I agree! But the thing is, sometimes we remember to appreciate others when it is more convenient for us. It's a human thing. The holidays are a rushed time, it's just their nature, so this will "force" you to remember the people around you. Plus, the holidays are hard for a lot of people who have lost loved ones or have obligations that they have to fulfill, so often times people need someone to care. Go ahead, create your own cards for the rest of the year- making generous living your lifestyle!

How do I get cards?
                I have about 1000 cards. I am trusting that God will show me the people who are willing to go out and spread His love through appreciation. So basically, ask for them! If you are a friend, text or call, tweet or Facebook message me, and I can deliver some cards or mail them to you in an envelope!  If you are reading this blog, comment below!

     I hope that you consider doing this project with me as I scatter the state of Michigan (and maybe farther!) with appreciation for others. Maybe you need to do it to keep your heart in the right place during the busy season. Maybe you want to do it as part of a Random Acts of Kindness pledge that you have made. Maybe you want to do it in honor of someone that you have lost this year. Maybe you want to do it, just to do it! I hope that you'll find that your heart is in a giving place, not a place of pity for others or self-righteousness. Don't hand them out to put on a show, hand them out to change the world and choose to live generously this holiday season.

Original project design by Mosaic Church near Orlando, Florida.
#livegenerously inspired by "I Like Giving"

Sunday, September 20, 2015

A Very Merry Unbirthday


      For this blog post, I am going to take my cue from "Alice in Wonderland" and wish every one of you a Very Merry Unbirthday! Now, say what you will about the origins of this movie and its writer... but... I am very fond of the idea of an unbirthday. Why? Because frankly, I love celebrating! So why not celebrate each other on the other 364 days of the year, too?

     Each day, I think that we can find something to celebrate. Whether that is a promotion at work,  a connection that you made with another human, or simply the fact that the coffee maker worked that morning- celebrate! If you find the time to look for something to celebrate, you will be choosing to look for the good in the world. You will be choosing to support the people around you. You will be choosing to look at the glass half-full

     I think that most of us will be surprised at how easy it is to find something to celebrate. But so often we, myself included, choose to look at the things that aren't worth celebrating. The things that don't bring out the best in the world. The things that don't glorify God.

     Now, I'm not naive enough to think that there aren't bad things that happen in our worlds. There are. But I wholeheartedly believe that we can choose to fight each bad thing with a celebration.

     So celebrate! I challenge you to find things to celebrate this week! And if you feel so inclined, post them on social media so that others remember to take a moment to celebrate. Not to sound like Hallmark... but... life is worth celebrating!

Enjoy the Very Merry Unbirthday song here!

Another catchy tune here!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Well Played, Elliptical...

     I joined a gym. For these past few days, I have been trying machine after machine. As I try different machines, while trying to not look like a fool, I have quite a bit of time to think. Today I got to thinking during my first elliptical experience. So here it is: Basically, the elliptical was tricking me. Let's be honest- you're basically running. It tricked me. It's tricking you.
      But then as I thought more, willing the time to move faster so that my 30 minute timer would go off, I realized that it is all about perception. Do I view that machine as a trick to get me to run? Or do I view the machine as a tool to help me live a fuller and healthier life? Oh man... my own mind got me. 

     But let's think about this in terms of life. Things are going to go. I don't want to necessarily say that they will go good or bad- I just want us to agree that they will go. And as things are going, you fall into a way of looking at life. You decide how you are going to perceive each and every situation. I would suggest- and know I try- to look at all sides of a situation and think of the way that you want to respond. That one step of thinking about how you are going to perceive something will do you a lot of good in becoming the person that you want to be. 

    Now stop. Don't read this and think, "Here's another post from positive and perky Katie who doesn't know what it is like to have a negative thought in her head because everything in her life is sunshine and sprinkles." I'll let you in on a secret- I lose my cool. I freak out and shut down. I have a bad attitude about things sometimes and worse yet, I let it affect others. 

     So I suggest that we work together to keep our perceptions in check. Be aware of how you are perceiving and interpreting the world. You never know, that's all it might take to change a rough day into a good one.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Joyously Live Challenge

    One of my favorite lines in the Alpha Sigma Alpha Creed is "to joyously live each day to its ultimate good." I particularly love the phrase "joyously live." In order to intentionally live more joyously, I decided to create one of those ever so popular photo challenges.

     Why should I do it? For the month of May (or however long it takes you to get through all 30 days), you will choose to focus on the things in life that make everything okay. 

     How do I participate? Save the infograph on your phone/computer. Each day, post the photo that you took with #jouyouslylive on whichever social media site that you visit. If you don't do the whole "social media" scene, feel free to save the photos on your computer.  

     When do I start? Whenever you feel like it! I am going to do mine for the month of May.

     What if I fall behind? It's all good! Either catch up or do the 30 days on your own schedule (aka... not one a day).

     So what do you say? Will you participate?